
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hat #3: Baby Hug Hat

Hat #3 has been completed! I am on a roll. :) I love this adorable little baby hat, just like I love the adorable little baby whose head it will adorn when I (finally) meet him this weekend!

I used a pattern found on Ravelry that was simple enough to be completed in a few hours, but complex enough not to be boring: the Hug Hat by Cathy Hardy. Nice job Cathy!

I'm casting on a somewhat more complex (and incredibly boring) hat for myself today, but in the meantime I thought I'd show you some of my recent thrift store acquisitions, all of which are due for some level of attack, be it minor fixes or MAJOR OVERHAULS:

This Old Navy shirt was a steal at only $2. It is in fabulous condition, and the colors (which are hard to see here because it has been all kinds of gloomy and rainy here, and my poor photos are suffering for it) are bright and happy. A crisp white with blue and yellow pinstripes? Yes please!

I think it's clearly a men's shirt but for whatever reason it ended up in the women's section. No problem! One of the things I like about it anyway is the "boyfriend shirt" appeal of it. My plans are not extreme, because I want this shirt to overall retain its shape and feel: I'll be narrowing the shoulders (thus bringing the sleeves up to a more appropriate length), and slimming down the body and the sleeves just a touch. It will still be boxy and I'm not going to screw with darts or anything...this is a great shirt for wearing with khakis or donning underneath a lovely cabled sweater!

This next find was a bit of a risk for me...I don't usually go with wild prints or these particular colors. Red and black and gray together are just not my thing. But the shirt was in awesome shape, and as with the Old Navy top above, it was only $2, so I tried it on. Imagine my surprise when it fit!

I mean sure, it's got some shoulder pads, but that's an easy enough fix...and, you know...other problems as well:

The dreaded gap! My fellow large-busted women feel me on this, I'm sure. This shirt literally fits everywhere EXCEPT there. It's embarrassing and annoying! No worries, though, friends...I can fix it!

On to my final purchase and perhaps the craziest thing I've ever bought.

As my friend and I browsed the dress section at our local Goodwill this past weekend, we marveled at some of the bizarre dresses that appeared there. There's at least one dress I'm seriously going to have to consider going back for later, if it's still there, because it was just WOW.

But this is the one I bought. At first, we pulled it off the rack and laughed and laughed. What a crazy dress! We put it back and moved on. But as we walked, my eye kept darting back to where it was hanging, so lonely and ignored...after several minutes, I said "Screw it, I'm buying that dress." My friend cackled with glee as I grabbed it and threw it in our cart. I needed it. It spoke to me.

I give you, ladies and gentlemen, the Watercolor Mess Dress:

WOW. I feel like a badly painted monster in this thing.

But...but...the colors are actually kind of lovely!'s in good shape and...and...there's this lovely pleated detail in the sleeves...

And I kind of LOVE IT!!!

Oh well, you can't choose what sets your heart aflame. I'm looking forward to this recon. :)


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